Monday, October 21, 2013

Gym Energy Bites

Snacks for before the gym

Well, around here we actually call them protein poops.
Yes, protein poops.

But I promise the poops are yummy and they just have a bad name thanks to my wonderful younger brother.

Now that you are no longer worried and willing to read on, let's get on with it.

So, I saw a pin on Pinterest (big surprise, I know) about making your own protein balls for before and after working out.  As a member of a family of avid gym-goers, I decided to try my hand at "my own protein balls."

After making the protein balls the first time, I placed them in the frig to harden (once you see the recipe you will understand) and my brother just happened to open the frig while they were setting.

He announced loudly to my entire household, "Why do you have poop in your frig?"

I announced back, just as loud, "It's protein poop." Thus, the name for our homemade protein balls. 

These protein balls have taken on a life of their own. Everyone in my family makes them in a different variation and the guys at the gym love when my Mom or I bring them as treats.   

The best thing about these bites is that they are an actual great source of energy for the gym.

The carbohydrates in the oats give you sustenance to survive those hard workouts, the chocolate and agave provide a hint of sugar that gives you a burst (interesting thing about agave is it does not spike your insulin levels so you won't "crash" after eating these), and the peanut butter and protein powder provide you with excellent sources of protein for post workout muscle building.

Protein Poops

1 cup dry quick 1-minute oats
1/2 cup of Mini chocolate chips
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup of peanut butter
1/3 cup organic blue agave
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1.  Mix dry ingredients together.

2.  Mix in peanut butter, agave and vanilla extract.

Snacks for before the gym
  What your batter should look like. 

3.  Roll in to balls.

4. Place on something sturdy and place in refrigerator until the bites are hard.

Snacks for before the gym

5. Place in container or sandwich bag once they are set.

Happy gyming!

Linking up at yellow bliss road, Rattlebridge Farm, the girl creative,Lovely Crafty Home,  
Thirty Handmade Days, Serenity Now, The Best Blog RecipesWhile He Was Napping

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