Monday, November 25, 2013

Homemade Beef Jerky

homemade beef jerkey

Joel enjoys good beef jerky.

But good beef jerky is expensive and often times sodium filled.

So, we decided to try our hand at making our own beef jerky.

What I really like about this beef jerky recipe is you don't need a dehydrator.

Joel's Homemade Beef Jerky

4 lbs Flank Steak
3 cups Claude's Barbeque Brisket Marinade Sauce
2 teaspoons Crushed Red Peppers (if you want spicy beef jerky)
Aluminum Foil
Kabob Skewers

1. Marinade the steak overnight in the refrigerator in the Claude's sauce. If you want spicy beef jerky add the red pepper flakes to the marinade.

2. Line the bottom of the oven with aluminum foil.

3. Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees.

4. Skewer the marinated flank steak then lay the skewers across the rack so the meat hangs between the grates. (See picture below)

homemade beef jerkey

5. Prop the oven door open while cooking. (This lets the moisture escape and dry out the meat. We prop our oven door open with a folded dish towel.)

homemade beef jerkey

6. Cook the steak for 4 hours or until it is dried out to your desired consistency.

7. Cut into smaller pieces and store in zip-lock baggies in the refrigerator. 

Do you have a homemade beef jerky recipe? Please share it below.  

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